Sunday, 27 January 2019


Hello hello. It certainly has been a while, but apart from a few emotional hiccups  late last year, the end of the school year was hectic, followed by me having some minor surgery (all is well) and my parents visiting from South Africa. In a blink, the holidays are over and tomorrow is back to school for staff and students.

Firstly let me say how I have missed blog-therapy. I do love tapping away on my keyboard frolicking in my thoughts (sometimes I wallow, sometimes I frolick L.O.L), though I was very cautious in my tumultuous time, because I can over-react and although blogs can be deleted, what is read can't be un-read and I want this platform to be a positive place, a place where despite facing challenges, they are overcome, risen above and experienced with the attitude of learning and growing. Anyway, right now I am in a good mental space. Well, I do feel a little unsettled. I feel unsettled at the start of every new term and a little more so at the start of a new year. This has been the case since I was in school and I especially apologise to my husband who has had to endure some crankiness from me, stemming from my nervous excitement today. Other than that though, I am positive and prepared for 2019 - #keen2019. Though I can't know what this year holds, I can know that I have the choice in how I respond to it.

I choose positivity, I choose kindness and as always, I choose Jesus. There will no doubt be some mistakes along the way, but there always are and it's how we choose to respond. Over the holidays I had the privilege following a blog that was/is nothing short of miraculous so if you have the chance to have a read the story of one mum's story of nearly losing her child, the way she chose to respond and the great and miraculous saving grace of God, check out this link about a tragic accident, an apparently hopeless situation and faith

Until next time,
Love you all, Jax xx

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