Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Choose happy

Since I last wrote a fair bit has happened. We bought our first Aussie home after being in this wonderful country for 10 years, of course with buying came packing and moving. Needless to say it has been quite a busy start to the school year, with moving around mid-term, work responsibilties and all those other things that go with 'adulting' these days. I put off writing in these busy times, not because I don't want to write, but because writing makes me happy and I therefore want to relish rather than rush these times where I can allow my thoughts to escape onto the screen and enjoy time spent reflecting and recharging.

Anyhow, enough with the waffle and onto recent reflections. Have you ever heard of the  'International Day of Happiness?' I heard of it for the first time a few weeks ago through my interactions on LinkedIn. Surprisingly for me, it was first celebrated in 2013 - six years ago, yet I only encountered it this year. It was conceptualised and founded by a United Nations special advisor to advance global happiness. A great, yet kind of sad concept. I love the idea of spreading happiness, of actively and intentionally choosing happy - because to be honest, my default doesn't always naturally revert to happy, it goes somewhere between lethargic, cranky or 'meh'. So a reminder to choose happy is important, but 'International Day of Happiness' goes beyond just individual happiness. 2019's theme is 'Happier together, focusing on what we have in common, rather than what divides us,' in other words celebrating our common humanity.

Overall, this is a geat pledge to 'try and create more happiness in the world around me.' I guess what saddens me though, is that we have to be reminded of this, we need a day to remember to actively choose happiness and share happiness. And despite our efforts, we look around and see tragedy, not happiness. Just last week the shootings in Christchurch shows hatred rather than happiness, it shows a rift in common humanity; in love, kindness, gratitude and acceptance. In short, I love all things positive and happy, celebrating happiness seems fitting for a person who is interested in education, wellbeing and positivity. My faith, however, goes a step further and reminds me to love God, to love people and to ultimately deepen happiness into joy, joy that is only found (for me) in Jesus. As a human race, we do need that reminder to choose happy, to be positive and to spread cheer and even more so, we also need to realise that evil is part of our world and where we can change our attitude we should, I need to remind myself daily that I can control a certain percentage of my responses and that I too can actually take the focus off myself (and my self-centredness) to check in, serve, support, care for and love others, because no act of kindness is wasted. And being grateful, grateful for the blessings in our lives, things that we often take for granted, we need to take time to consider our many blessings and this may also contribute to our happiness.

If you are reading this and want to know why I am a Christian or what being a Christian means to me, feel free to ask. I love understanding how and why the world works the way it does and would happily answer any questions as best I can. I have also copied an email I sent out to my school colleagues yesterday. I have the privilege of working at a Christian school and can openly write about such matters.

Thank you for reading,
Blessings, Jax

PS if you have any suggestions for blog posts or want me to write about something feel free to comment :)

Here is the email transcript:

Hi everyone,
I hope this email finds you well.
Today (Wednesday) is International Day of Happiness, and 2019’s theme is “Happier Together: Focusing on what we have in common rather than what divides us.” 
As followers of Christ we have joy that exceeds simple happiness, but life still happens and sometimes our joy is clouded by the reality of tragedy that we as humans suffer. So, whilst a day for happiness may seem secular in nature (and a bit sad that the human race needs a day to be reminded to be happy), perhaps we could go one step further. May I encourage us as a staff to choose to be positive, choose to spread happiness and ultimately to rejoice in our greatest joy, our Lord and Saviour Jesus. In our world, as we heard at the start of the term, sin is the rule and grace is the exception. Let’s be the exception.
Let us spread happiness and support in our community. A small act of kindness goes a long way to bring a smile. Contact a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while, write a thoughtful note of encouragement or <gasp> cover a colleague's duty if they appear to be having a rough day.  Let's also lift one another up in prayer, and focus on our commonalties; loving Jesus, loving one another and loving our wonderful school community.
Let us spread some cheer, be the reason someone smiles and appreciate all things big and small. Happiness is a choice to be positive. Choose happiness. Choose to be the reason somebody smiles today and every day and if you are struggling to find 'your happy' be sure to chat to someone and pray for comfort only the Creator can provide.

Blessings and smiles,

Hebrews 13.16: Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Nehemiah 8.10: And do not be grieved for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

James 5.13 IS anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise

Philippians 4.4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.