Wednesday, 18 July 2018


Hope. Sometimes the only thing to hold onto, yet sometimes the thing we lose quite easily. I consider myself pretty hopeful, actually I consider myself many things, then along comes some sort of incident and I realise that what I thought I was and what I really am don't always correspond. Let me give you an example of a recent event that you will probably have heard about, as it received a lot of media coverage: The Thai Cave Rescue.

So 12 young boys and their coach go on trip to explore some caves, little did they expect to get stuck inside. Things were looking bleak as rescuers searched, rain continued to fall, water rose in the cavevisibility was low and then a navy seal diver lost his life to this treacherous situation. I distanced myself from the event. My first expectation was that if they did discover the boys and their coach, at least some of them, if not all, would have lost their lives. I preferred not to think about it. Then a discovery was made, the whole team was found, alive. Sadly, though, my hope did not increase. I was still afraid because the conditions seemed against the rescuers and I wasn't going to invest my heart into this situation. This was confirmed for me when an experienced navy seal diver lost his life. All hope was gone. That was until I sat in church and the pastor said that one of the mother's of the boys said that the only thing that she has to hold onto is hope. This tiny moment had a major impact on my perspective. And so I prayed. To be honest though, my prayers were a bit weak, because I still wasn't convinced that they woud rescue the whole team, if any of them. But see what I said there, 'I'. Prayer can deliver miracles. I imagine many people around the world were praying. Praying for everyone to come out alive. Little by little my hope increased as the team members slowly emerged. I was still plagued by doubt though, doubt that they would survive, that maybe upon exiting the cave, they would succumb to relief and their bodies would just shut down.

God uses moments like this in my life (and many of our lives, if we choose to reflect on it) to show us His great power. A rescue that seemed humanly impossible, that nature was fighting, that our human hearts were doubting and then against the odds, weeks after disappearing, the coach and the whole team of boys are rescued (alive), by the greatest Rescuer. I know that humans accomplished this great feat, but I know that God enabked them to and used this for His glory. Things looked worse and worse over the course of the fortnight, yet a miraculous outcome was witnessed - worldwide.

So, this is a reminder to me and to you, if you would like, not to lose hope, not to discount the power of prayer (even if it is weak) and the work of God in a world that often seems hopeless, helpless and human.Grab hold of hope. Put your hope in Him and know that no matter how dire the circumstances, He hears and answers (and yes, He does sometimes say no) but let your main hope in Jesus, because when you hope in Him, no matter what happens, your eternity is written into the glory of Heaven.

Thank you for reading. Until next time.
Love and Blessings, Jax xx

PS On a side note, if you want to continue reading, my hope was further encouraged by reading about Lazarus. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Yes, He had the power to prevent the death to start with, but more people came to know Jesus this way. More people came to Christ, became believers and followers of Christ than if He merely saved him (Lazarus) before he had passed away. God works in wondrous ways. Look for Him in the big and the small.

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely Jax,
    I too watched with one eye closed and without daring to hope for the boys. So often these things end in sadness. So many lessons to be learned from the scenario, I agree! I couldn’t watch (or listen to people talking) too much about the rescue as it really set my anxiety (in particular, clostraphobia) going! But I also liked the thought of them being in such utter darkness, and seeing the light of hope coming up through the water, and what that must have felt like. And even though they had that hope, they still had to take the (dangerous) journey back into the full light again. I think that can be like anxiety sometimes. Do you think?
    Miss you 😘
