Friday, 2 February 2018

Perspectives refracted

I won't lie to you, moving has not been easy. Besides the packing and unpacking, getting our rental bond back (Still waiting - 7 weeks and counting) and all the usual stress that goes with moving, it's the moving of the mind, heart and soul from all you know, your friends, all things familiar and immersing into all things unfamiliar, new and daunting that is the real hard part.  The stress of unpacking and deciding where to put things, the newness of a new place, new area, beaches, friends visiting and the busyness of the first few weeks dulled the initial separation and sadness of leaving behind friends, familiarty and memories.

 It wasnt until about our 5th week of being here, that I actually really processed everything. Change isn't easy, it isn't necessarily bad, it is just hard sometimes. My hubby started his new job the week before school went back, so I had a week with my little miss, but I started feeling unsettled and shaky. I was cranky and snappy and on the verge of tears for much of the time. I couldn't quite fathom it, but in the back of my mind I was thinking of my friends, students and colleagues back in Maryborough, also back at school (or almsot back at school) and me, not being there, in my familiar place, with them. This was exacerbated by the husband having a new job and me realising that I was jobless and am not too thrilled about the prospects of uncertainty.

Anyway, so while I was doing this selfish wallowing and trying to remind myself (not very successfully - wallowing is a pretty strong power) that I am pretty blessed and lucky and have a lot to be grateful for, and spiralling into a state of despair, I got a text from my mom that my uncle's cancer is back and that it is at stage 4.  And there I sat, teary and quite unimpressed with myself for making my problems seem like  mountains, when really, they pale in comparison to some of the tragedies in the world. (My uncle is due to start chemo soon, not sure the exact details of prognosis at this stage, but there seems to be a glimmer of hope). I was also still mulling over another post (that started giving me a bit of perspective - link is here, mind some of the language though, but worth a read)

 I also came across a friend's passionate, powerful and poignant Facebook post. This dear lady, in her early 30's lost her husband suddenly in the middle of the night, right beside her, a few months ago. She is now a widow, a young mum of three beautful kiddies and one bub on the way. Hope, her eldest has just started school and the new addition is due later this year. And one of her Facebook posts in mid January related to how she was teaching her children about Job in the Bible. Job endured so much hardship, satan tested him (see the back story in Job if you wan tto know why and more details on these occurrences) and he lost everything, including his children. Even Job's wife told him to turn, 'Curse God and die,' but Job remained faithful to God through the testing, through losing everything, his possessions, his family, his wealth and health. Eventually, Job's faith and perserverance are rewarded. He is blessed with double of what he had and lives to a ripe old age. But in the midst of his despair (which he is very much entitled to) he does not turn from God. He does not understand, but his faithfulness stands firm. Emma then says this,  'I was challenged that I may not understand what's happened in my life, but I am jolly well trusting the Lord. This is crazy to some. But it's the truth I know to be real, unmovable, firm and bring peace.'

Wow. Just wow. What a reality check. Often I am so engrossed in my own (head) drama, that I selfishly lose sight of the reality of the blessings in my life, the things that I take for granted every single day.  I allow my emotions to grow bigger than God, which is pretty pathetic really. I know that I will find myself wallowing again, but that still quiet voice of persepctive grows louder and louder each time, reminding me to cherish and value this precious gift of life, even when it gets hard, or when I think it is hard, but in the greater scheme of things, I am privileged and blessed. Life is full of lessons, if we allow ourselves to hear them and really listen to them. There will be adversity, there will be challenges, but when I think on the reason for my misery, I give myself a stern talking to. Yes, moving is hard, being without a job is challenging, living with anxiety is not a walk in the park, but really, life's tests make us stronger and opening myself to objective perspectives is leading me on an inward journey of self-discovery and delving deeper into God's Word.

The lesson: Less about me, more about the plight of those in need. More about turning to God and having faith. I accept that some days are and will be harder than others and some situations test me more than others, but I am reminded that God has got this and when I start wallowing, I need to get God's perspective in check. To new beginnings, new places and new perspectives. To cherishing, to delighting, to hoping, to believing, to having joy regardless.

Thank you for reading. Until next time...

PS Here is beautiful Emma's full post if you would like to read it all

Yesterday morning I was teaching the children about Job in the bible. They listened as I shared how God allowed satan to test him. You see Job was blameless and upright, he feared the Lord and shun evil. He loved God and was a good man! But Satan said to God that he (Job) would curse Him (God) if he took everything he has. Well, God said very well everything he has is in your hands, but you can't lay a finger on Job. So the test began. The Sabeans attacked, killed his servants took his oxen and donkey's. More sheep and servants were burnt with fire. Camels were stolen and his 10 sons and daughters were killed. Job still loved and trusted the Lord. He would have been shocked, terrified, grief stricken.
Satan came back to God and basically said, if you let me get to his skin and bones he will curse you. God said okay, but you must spare his life. So he then was afflicted with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. His wife said to him, "Are you still holding onto your integrity? Curse God and die!" He told her she was talking like a foolish woman.. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? In all this, Job did not sin. Check out Job in the bible from start to finish.
But when I shared with my children the Lords reply to Job in all this, I had to pass on the children's devotional to my sister to take over for I myself was greatly moved. The Lord said, "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundations? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? In chapter 39:27 the Lord says, does the eagle soar at your command and build his nest on high.
I was challenged that I may not understand what's happened in my life, but I am jolly well trusting the Lord. This is crazy to some. But it's the truth I know to be real, unmovable, firm, and bring peace. The one true God that is coming back again I serve ðŸ™Œ
After all this testing, the Lord blessed Job! He actually was given double than what he had before, had more children. He lived 140 years, saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. He died old and full of years.
May you each one be encouraged in your testing, in the valleys of life. Learn the truth and the truth will set you free!

1 comment:

  1. 😔😢😭😕😔🙂Hope
    Love you xx
