Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Forty part 2

Today marks one month of forty-ness. I am still finding my forties, but what I can say is that I am quite enjoying the updated version of myself, 'Jax 4.0' as I like to call it. So what does Jax 4.0 mean? I am still figuring this out as I go along, but at this stage it means the relaxed, chilled, go-with-the-flow version of me. It doesn't mean not having an opinion, but more so about not stressing about things out of my control, doing the best I can with the circumstances I face and enjoying this one life I have been blessed with. Instead of getting frustrated, I will be aim to be more peaceful, calm and friendly. I notice more and more how apologetic people are when there are long waits and I imagine that sometimes these folks get some irate customers yelling at them for things they are unable to control. So my pledge is simply this for now, that when I can't control the circumstances, be it long queues, or whatever, that I embrace it. The world has enough negativity and nastiness, than for me to add to it and blame myself or others for things out of my/their control. Obviously, I will be reasonable, I do value justice, but when it simply means being friendly or polite, considering others and showing compassion and kindness, these are the areas I hope to work on and improve upon in my forties. That does not mean the sass is gone, it just means that I will try leave more positve footprints on my daily journeys and hopefully these footprints will step into the hearts and lives of those who need a laugh, some love and a whole lotta charisma. In general, I am pretty positive, but I did let stress get a hold of my attitude, and this was never helpful for my mental health (which, if you have read my previous posts, you will agree that it was not helpful for me and anyone really).

We have been blessed with one life, we have been gifted talents and we have been given this beautiful world, so please join with me in enjoying it. There will be tough times, but help me as I embrace positivity, joy, laughter and love, show gratitude, be kind and try make other people's day better rather than worse.

Thank you for reading
Jax 4.0.

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