Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The drought is over

It seems that there have been no 'raindrops' since September 2014. I do have another blog that has more posts, but I really love the title of this one and since there is only one post prior to this one, it is as if I can almost start afresh, or in the very least, start from where I left off.

I haven't really thought much about the Mars mission (see previous post) but I was quite obsessed with it. Change scares me, so a change as big as that and not being able to return to earth, wow, big decision. Anyhow, I think my obsession with the Mars mission has waned a little (but do not be surprised if it returns...I like to revisit my obsessions with new information, perspectives and so forth.)

Anyway, this blog is going to be less about Mars (maybe Mars bars hahaha) and more about general ramblings that dwell in my brain and need to escape. I take a while to process things, so this may help with that. Perhaps you could contribute and help me make sense of this journey we call life, because for the most part it seems so confusing and forever changing course. I guess that is where faith comes into it, for me anyway.

I look forward to having you along for the ride.
Blessings xx

1 comment:

  1. Ramble away! Will make it feel as though you are closer, reading your ramblings 🙂
