Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Hello and welcome

The hardest part about blogging is actually starting. The other part I find difficult is choosing a theme. I have a mind full of so many different thoughts and ponderings, that to focus on one would really be to the detriment of all my other thoughts. As time goes by, I will try figure it out. Do I have more than one blog? That might be an option. We will see.

Anyway, this is just an introductory blog. I love the sound of raindrops on rooftops. My daughter's second name is rain and my surname, du Toit, means 'of the roof' in French, so thought this an appropriate title for a blog.

I enjoy many things, but most of all I want to understand why people say and do the things they do. My husband often asks if it actually makes a difference whether these things matter, but if I don't understand, it really bugs me - for example: people wanting to go live on Mars. This really intrigues me. I want to know why they would leave everything behind for something they know nothing about. How would I survive without my friends and family. I would not be able to go and know that I will probably never see them again, but for some people this is a very real option and I would love to know what it is that makes them willing to do this. This is not a matter of judging, it is purely a matter of understanding the differences and challenging my own views.

On that note, I leave you to research the Mars one project and journey with me on mystery trip to a destination yet to be announced. Thank you for reading and I look forward to this jourrney with you :)

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