Sunday, 18 March 2018

Listen to the call

The other day Stephen Hawking ( passed away at the age of 76. Before I heard this news I was feeling a little down because I was not successful in a job interview I had had the previous day. A strange thing happened though, when I read of Stephen's passing, my sadness changed course. The job seemed somewhat irrelevant at that moment, because his death reminded me of something so much more important.

Stephen Hawking, despite his illness, made significant contributions to the world. His knowledge and abilities were not restricted by his failing body. Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with A.L.S (a motor neurone disease at the age of 21. Although it was a slow onset, to live another 55 years after this diagnosis is quite a miracle, considering doctor's said once he was diagnosed, his life expectancy would only be about two years. Stephen Hawking did not let his disability restrict his ability and that is praiseworthy, that in the face of adversity, this man made remarkable contributions to the world of science and advancement.

So, what saddened me? If you do not share my faith, you may want to stop reading here, but I encourage to read a little further, to see why I felt a sense of heartache for this man, and mankind. In life, he was a role-model, someone who lived with purpose, who did not let an illness control him. We can learn so much from this attitude in our own lives. But, and this is what saddened me, is that Stephen Hawking is an atheist. Please don't get me wrong, we all have our beliefs, but recently my devotions have been looking at ideas relating to this, to how God calls upon, and we can choose to follow or ignore Him. Freedom of choice. This is something we are given by God, but there is a consequence after we die if we choose not to. Until recently I was a bit disconnected from God. If you read some of my previous posts you would see that a few things contributed to this disconnection. That aside, moving and being jobless has had its advantages, the advantage of restoring my relationship with God and Jesus. Faith cannot be seen, but if you feel some sort of emptiness or your soul quenching for more, please look into it before just disregarding God.

To live with purpose is more than just overcoming adversity, well for me any way. My belief is that God calls upon each of us. Sometimes we have a whole lifetime to heed the call and follow. Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, not only did not believe, but was even of the impression that he and the world do not need God. Has he seen this world? His length of life in itself is a miracle. We do not know what happened in his final days or on his death bed. But, what we do get here is a lesson. Now is the time. What do you believe? Can I urge you that before you discredit God that you really search for Him. Make sure for yourself. Ask Christian friends, read a Bible, learn about Jesus. We all have a choice about whether we submit to Jesus or not, but if we choose not to, our eternal life after death will not be one of rejoicing.

Life is full of lessons, opportunities and blessings. My prayer for you is that if you got this far, if you are questioning faith or God, that you really seek Him and that you can enjoy life eternal in rejoicing and perfection. The world is a mess. And I know we question God and His presence and why He lets things happen. One blog post is not enough to go into all that. But if you trust, if you submit and believe in Jesus, the answers become clear. Life doesn't make sense, doesn't go according to plan, but there is one certain. All I am saying is try it, not half-heartedly, but invest in it, like you do your favourite TV show. Learn as much as you can and then decide. You never know what you will discover, at least give it a go. Professor Hawking saw no need or evidence of God, because of laws of science and physics, but it pains me to think that the potential beauty of human nature comes down to physics. What if heaven isn't a fairy story, as he suggests. Say it is real. Listen to the voice in your soul. Respond to the call. Stephen was gifted over 50 years of opportunities to see life goes beyong science. Yes, the world is messed up, but there is so much beauty in creation, in human beings, in life, that a mere 'Big Bang', an event of chance created me is not enough to explain the indescribable world we live in. You don't know when your future on earth will end. Professor Hawking was gifted with more years than medical experts or he expected. I can't put that down to science or medicine alone. Please, don't ignore that yearning you may feel within. Whether you sort of beleve or don't believe at all, give it some thought, rather than just accepting.

Stephen Hawking, we thank you for changing our world, our persepctives and teaching us to perservere in all circumstances, but not to be limited. Be limitless. Take time to explore all avenues. May you find hope in darkness. May Jesus reveal Himself to you.

Thank you for reading.
